• LIV in ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute Placate the Young and Control Online Discourse: The Vietnamese State’s Tightrope

    Vietnam’s top echelons have indicated that the task of controlling cyberspace has never been more crucial.  But how to do so in a country that boasts 72 million social media users without alienating the growing cadres of Internet-savvy youths is a daunting question.

    This landmark development was instrumental to youth-led online movements. But on the other side of the spectrum, the drafting process for Vietnam’s Cyber-Security Law was mooted as early as July 2016, just right on the heels of the Formosa protests.


  • LIV’s Trinh Huu Long in ISEAS Publishing: Social Media’s Challenge to State Information Controls in Vietnam

    Legal Initiatives for VIETNAM co-director Trinh Huu Long was quoted on the 2018  Cyber-Security  Law for From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation by Dien Luong.


    Commentators  often  equate  Vietnam’s  internet  freedom  as  similar  to  China. Indeed, the West regularly includes Vietnam on its “state enemies of  the  internet”  list,  as  it  does  for  China,  Iran,  or  Syria  (Deutsche  Welle  2013).  There  is  some  truth  to  the  concerns  of  Vietnam  looking  towards  China  as  a  model,  given  how  ideologically,  politically  and  economically  aligned  Hanoi  is  with  Beijing.  Vietnam  is  embracing  Chinese  hardware  and  packages  of  security  software  to  increase  its  technical  and  infrastructural  capabilities  for  information  controls  (Sherman  2019).  A  prominent  example  to  justify  this  observation  is  Vietnam’s  passage  and  enforcement  of  the  2018  Cyber-Security  Law,  which  bears  striking  resemblances  to  a  similar  Chinese  law  (Trinh  Huu  Long  2017)  which  gives  the  government  carte  blanche  to  strictly  police  the internet,  scrutinize  personal  information,  censor  online  discussion,  and  punish  or  even  jail  dissidents.

  • Luật Khoa in ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute Perspective: The Political Economy of Social Media in Vietnam

    The Vietnamese government tends to accommodate western social media platforms by trying to enforce their compliance with local rules through regulatory and economic means rather than blocking them altogether.



    Vietnam got connected to the Internet on 19 November 1997 after long debates within the top leadership about its pros and cons. Although pragmatic considerations of the Internet’s importance to socio-economic and technological development triumphed, how to deal with its potential harms remains a major concern for the CPV.

    When the Internet was introduced to Vietnamese leaders in the 1990s, one of their immediate concerns was that toxic online contents such as pornographic materials would cause moral decay and social problems for the country. In December 1996, in order to convince the top leadership to open up the country to the Internet, officials reportedly had to demonstrate firsthand to members of the CPV Central Committee that they could use a firewall to effectively block pornographic websites. 2 A greater concern for the Party leadership, however, was that the Internet will facilitate the spread of anti-government propaganda and undermine the regime’s monopoly of information. Party conservatives were worried that a more connected society with freer flow of information would ultimately erode the Party’s rule.

    As such, Vietnamese authorities have maintained certain measures of censorship to forestall unwanted consequences, especially by blocking “harmful” websites. So far, the censorship seems to be more political in nature, focusing on websites that provide anti-government propaganda or “sensitive” information unfavourable for the government’s political standing. For example, as of September 2019, while most pornographic websites are freely accessible in Vietnam, many international news websites that provide Vietnamese services, like BBC, VOA, RFI, and RFA, are still blocked. Blogging platforms such as WordPress and Blogspot, which are popular among political activists and government critics, are also put behind a firewall. Some independent, private-run websites which carry news article or analyses deemed hostile to the government, such as Dan Luan, Luat Khoa, and Boxitvn, are also blocked. However, censorship does not seem consistent across all Internet services providers—some blocked websites or platforms may still be accessible to some users.
