Pham Doan Trang in HRW World Report 2022: Vietnam Events in 2021

Renowned journalist and human rights defender Pham Doan Trang is just one of the many Vietnamese dissidents and activists who suffered injustice in the hands of the VCP last year.  In this report, Human Rights Watch (HRW) chronicles the political and human rights suppression in Vietnam.


Basic civil and political rights are systematically suppressed in Vietnam. The government, under the one-party rule of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), tightened the grip on freedom of expression, freedom of association, peaceful assembly, freedom of movement and freedom of religion. teacher.

In 2021, independent trade unions or any organization or group considered to be a threat to the Communist Party’s monopoly on power will still be banned from establishing and operating. Authorities block access to politically sensitive websites and pressure telecommunications and social media companies to remove or limit content critical of the government or ruling party.

Those who speak out critical of the party or government face intimidation, harassment, impediment from movement, arbitrary detention and arrest, and imprisonment after unfair trials. . Police detained political suspects for months without contacting their lawyers and brutally interrogated them. Party-controlled courts convict activists and bloggers on fabricated national security charges.

Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Opinion and Freedom of Speech

Dissidents and human rights activists regularly face the risk of harassment, intimidation, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment. In 2021, Vietnamese courts have tried at least 32 people guilty of posting critical comments about the government, then sentenced them to years in prison. Police arrested at least 26 others on fabricated political charges.

The government regularly applies article 117 of the penal code, which criminalizes the acts of “making, storing, disseminating or propagating information, documents and items against the State” to punish criminals. civil society activist.

Famous dissident Pham Doan Trang was detained for more than a year without being able to see his lawyer or family.

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