LIV’s Trinh Huu Long in SSRN- Vietnam: Data Privacy in a Communist ASEAN State

Legal Intiatives for Vietnam co-director Trinh Huu Long was cited in a research paper on Data Privacy in Vietnam.  


Processing personal data without the person’s consent (including for secondary processing) is only allowed in various situations of public interest, emergencies, for statistics or research after de-identification, and where ‘according to the provisions of law’ (art. 10). One criticism of this last exception is that it is ‘a loophole that is widely used in the legal system of Vietnam to give the government’s executive branch, especially ministries, an almost unlimited ability to interpret laws and regulations using circulars and executive decisions’. [12] There are no ‘legitimate interest’ exceptions allowing such processing.

[12] Trinh Huu Long ‘9 Takeaways From Vietnam’s Draft Decree On Personal Data Protection’ Luat Khoa Magazine 19 February, 2021 <>
