Pham Doan Trang in Forbes: One Free Press Coalition Marks One Year Anniversary Advocating For Journalists Whose Freedoms Are Being Threatened

One Free Press Coalition is a united group of 38 distinguished media brands using their global reach and platforms to spotlight journalists under attack worldwide.  Pham Doan Trang, co-founder of Luat Khoa and The Vietnamese, is listed as one of the “most urgent” press freedom cases that need to be addressed immediately.


The One Free Press Coalition, a united group of 38 pre-eminent media brands using their global reach and platforms to spotlight journalists under attack worldwide, today observed its one-year anniversary of the organization’s inception. To date, the Coalition has played an important role in successfully advocating for 50 individuals, supporting in the release of 10 journalists featured on their monthly “10 Most Urgent” lists, most recently Sophia Xueqin Huang, who was released from prison in January after being jailed while covering the extended unrest in Hong Kong.

By bringing attention to this, the One Free Press Coalition has sparked critical conversations globally, with more than 19,000 mentions of the initiative on social media, totaling 1.17 billion total potential impressions globally.

“In the one year since we established the One Free Press Coalition, we have used the collective voices of our partners and members to shine a bright light on journalists worldwide whose press freedoms and personal liberties are under assault,” said Randall Lane, Chief Content Officer, Forbes and Founding Member of the One Free Press. “We’re proud to have played a role in bringing attention to the plights of 56 journalists – whose cases we highlighted in our monthly ‘10 Most Urgent’ list – as we continue to fight for and secure justice. A free press is a vital and indispensable institution to the proper functioning of society everywhere.”

Published this morning at and by all Coalition members, including new pledge Agencia EFE, the 13th 10 Most Urgent list includes the following journalists, ranked in order of urgency:

8. Pham Doan Trang (Vietnam)

Journalist in hiding to evade arrest continues reporting.

Phan Doan Trang has been in hiding since August 2018, after Ho Chi Minh City police brutally beat her and confiscated her national ID card, on top of silencing measures including interrogation, monitoring and shutting off her internet and electricity. A colleague reports that Trang, cofounder of The Vietnamese and Luat Khoa news publications, has not fully recuperated from the assault and her health has deteriorated. While moving between safe houses, she has continued critical reporting on the environment, freedom of religion and online civil society.