LIV’s Trinh Huu Long in Sveriges Radio: Han kämpar för yttrandefrihet i Vietnam

Full Article Translation in English:

In Vietnam, the situation is difficult for bloggers and journalists. The authorities’ persecution means that journalists have to change homes all the time.

In Southeast Asia, there is great concern about the lack of freedom of expression. In Vietnam, with communist rule, it is complicated work to get information out.

Journalist Long Trinh from Vietnam leads the organization Legal Initiatives for Vietnam with web-based newspapers. It is a way to build a foundation for independent media with high-quality journalism.

– We see many violations of human rights in society as a whole. Bloggers and journalists are exposed both online and in real life. Vietnam is on a par with China and North Korea, among the worst on Reporters Without Borders’ press freedom index, says Long Trinh.

Long Trinh lives in exile and Ekot got an interview when he was visiting Sweden.

“Communism fell in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union 30 years ago, but it survived in Vietnam and still dominates the entire political system,” he said.

– The Vietnamese government can not control the internet as much as China can, but fake news and hatred are spread against dissent.

Authorities are trying to shut down websites using Facebook and Google. Vulnerable journalists have to move between homes all the time, they are beaten by police and imprisoned. According to Long Trinh, it is most difficult to report on politics:

– But there are incredibly brave people who do not give up, he emphasizes.

His hope is that Sweden and the EU will put more pressure on Vietnam and other countries where human rights are not a matter of course.

– Do not abandon the very democratic values ​​in Europe for quick solutions, he urges.
