LIV’s Trinh Huu Long in ISEAS Publishing: Social Media’s Challenge to State Information Controls in Vietnam

Legal Initiatives for VIETNAM co-director Trinh Huu Long was quoted on the 2018  Cyber-Security  Law for From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation by Dien Luong.


Commentators  often  equate  Vietnam’s  internet  freedom  as  similar  to  China. Indeed, the West regularly includes Vietnam on its “state enemies of  the  internet”  list,  as  it  does  for  China,  Iran,  or  Syria  (Deutsche  Welle  2013).  There  is  some  truth  to  the  concerns  of  Vietnam  looking  towards  China  as  a  model,  given  how  ideologically,  politically  and  economically  aligned  Hanoi  is  with  Beijing.  Vietnam  is  embracing  Chinese  hardware  and  packages  of  security  software  to  increase  its  technical  and  infrastructural  capabilities  for  information  controls  (Sherman  2019).  A  prominent  example  to  justify  this  observation  is  Vietnam’s  passage  and  enforcement  of  the  2018  Cyber-Security  Law,  which  bears  striking  resemblances  to  a  similar  Chinese  law  (Trinh  Huu  Long  2017)  which  gives  the  government  carte  blanche  to  strictly  police  the internet,  scrutinize  personal  information,  censor  online  discussion,  and  punish  or  even  jail  dissidents.