Legal Initiatives for VIETNAM co-director Trinh Huu Long accepted Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Press Freedom Prize for Impact in behalf of Vietnamese journalist Pham Doan Trang, who has been served with travel restrictions.
- Title: Thirtieth Anniversary of Polish Democracy
- Publish Date: January 2020
- Publisher: Journal of Democracy
Reporters Without Borders Prize
On September 12, Reporters Without Borders awarded its Press Freedom Prize for Impact to Vietnamese journalist Pham Doan Trang. Trang is the editor of the online human-rights magazine The Vietnamese, and founder of the online magazine Luat Khoa. Trang has been repeatedly beaten and imprisoned for her activism. Trinh Huu Long, Trang’s coeditor at Luat Khoa, accepted the award on her behalf when travel restrictions prevented Trang from attending the ceremony in Berlin. Speaking via video, Trang said, “We will fight until journalism is no longer seen as a crime anywhere in the world.”